I will be quite honest, I did let ambitions go over my head for a bit in the planning stages of things. But after careful considerations, I was about to put a sincere personal effort in trying to flatter a friend, with zero intentions of putting anything in the public spotlight if she's not comfortable. But of course, she did not feel that way, and I am definitely guilty in making her feel the way she felt.
But such as life. We make mistakes and we can't take those mistakes define who we are. Life goes on, and my rejection challenge shall continue.
For today's challenge, I went to wal-mart and asked people in survey style about their opinions on me ( of course, they don't know me, so technically I should not get offended by any of their comments, but of course, we know that's not the case for most of us).
Once again, I "shopped" around Walmart for a few minutes before I mastered up the courage to start my challenge. This is actually the first one I asked completely random strangers. So I guess it's a tad more difficult than the previous ones
Here is how I carried out all the conversations:
Me: Hi Excuse me, do you have a minute?
Shopper: Yes?
Me: I am conducting a survey and it's just three questions.
I then proceeded to ask people to say something nice about me, something bad about me, and last but not least, rate me out of ten in terms of my appearance.
Most people looked startled and then immediately started smiling when I asked the first question. and alot of them laughed when I asked them to rate me out of ten. I tried to small talk a little bit during the conversation and generally, because of the kind of questions I was asking, the overall mood of those conversations were really lighthearted.
My survey chart with my "pretty" handwriting |
Percentage of people that rejected the survey : 6
Compliments: My shirt, my hair, my voice, I'm nice, I'm brandy, I'm friendly, I'm enthusiatic, I'm young
Criticisms: I'm disturbing her, popping out randomly, I'm short, I'm thin, I'm awkward, not mature, my shirt, my earring,
Average Score on my looks out of 10: 7.5(Highest 10, Lowest 6)
My Observations + My Thoughts and feelings:
-Someone actually rejected me when I asked her to help me take a photo, first time this ever happened in my life haha
-Most people are nice to strangers if they have some time.They are usually very hesitant to say bad things about you.
-I am actually a very shallow person, I actually felt a bit offended when a girl gave me a 6, haha.
-I am probably closer to 6 than an 8. Strangers are generally nicer to you and rate you higher. (But I think I'm a ten, and that's all that matters ;D)
-I really need to start working out.
-My abercombie plaid shirt is pretty damn nice
-One of the person I asked was a cute girl with a really attractive smile gave me a seven, and complimented on my shirt, If you are that girl in wal-mart and is reading this blog, ya know...call me. ;D
For tomorrow's challenge, I will try to produce my very first rejection challenge video using whatever material I capture from the cameras. So if the updates comes late, it's only because you are gonna be alot more entertained ;D
I felt alot better in the evening, you can probably see that I was alot more cheerful in this vlog than the first one.
keep going on!